Sarangdeep Singh

Software Engineer . Android Developer . Java Enthusiast

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About Me

Hi! I am Sarangdeep Singh, welcome to my portfolio website. Before you explore my portfolio, i would like to tell you a little about myself.

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University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Masters of Computer Science

January 2017-May 2018

Rayat Bahra University

Bachelors in Electronics and Computer Science

January 2011-May 2015

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University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Graduate Teaching Assistant

January 2018-May 2018

OOPS InfoSolutions

Junior Java Developer

January 2017-May 2018

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Android Apps


Android Projects

Developed multiple android apps using Android Studio, Firebase, SQLite and many open source API's.

Grievance Addressal System


Grievance Addressal System

This system was built to address the grievances faced by tenants. The project focused majorly on forming a portal in which tenants can lodge complaints, if they face any problem while living in the apartment. This system provided feature of lease extension for current tenants. This system was built as one stop solution for tenant needs.

Page Rank with Mapreduce


Page Rank with Mapreduce

This project implemented the Page rank algorithm created by google founders. This algorithm was implemented in Hadoop. Wikipedia pages were used to calculate page rank.

Movie Recommender


Movie Recommender

Here is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.

UNCC Routes




UNCC Routes

In this project the focus was to find the shortest path between UNCC department buildings. The tasks involved forming the initial graph, functionality to add new building as vertices, delete a building vertex and if the route is closed not to consider it for calculating shortest path. Dijkstra's algorithm and priority queue were used along with BFS to achieve this.

Rest API

Rest APIclose

Rest API

The messagingAPI was built using JAX-RS jersey implementation to store messages to a MySQl database. The API consumed Json requests and returned json response. The API had a user authentication feature achieved by Json Web Tokens(JWT) Passwords were stored by encrypting them using BCrypt. The API stored Threads and messages. and returned Json response for Thread and message requests.

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